Thursday, August 1, 2024

7 game-changing tips to get an Aries man to commit (#3 is quite unexpected)

How to get an Aries man to commit?

It’s a challenge, right?

Aries men are known for being bold, fiercely independent, and often, quite commitment-averse.

But hey, don’t lose hope!

With their strong personalities and enthusiasm for life, they are definitely worth the effort.

I’ve spent years guiding others through the maze of romantic relationships, and I’m here to share some game-changing tips with you.

Let’s dive into these seven unconventional tips that can help you win the heart of an Aries man, with a surprise twist in tip #3!


  • Take your 30-second FREE Zodiac Compatibility Test and unveil the deepest strengths and red flags of your match: Start your test here

  • Do you know how to crack his love language code? Make his aura of mystery suddenly disappear: Pick his zodiac sign here

1. Become His Partner in Crime

Aries men are all about adventure and spontaneity.

If you want to know how to get an Aries man to commit, you need to be his partner in crime.

Take him on thrilling, spontaneous outings that match his adventurous nature.

Once, I took an Aries client on a surprise hot air balloon ride.

The excitement and unpredictability of the experience brought us closer.

Encouraging his love for exploration is key.

Suggest adrenaline-filled activities like rock climbing or even a spontaneous road trip.

This keeps his interest piqued and shows that you’re not just any partner, but someone who can match his zest for life.

Here’s a unique nugget: share a daring goal or dream of your own that he can help you achieve.

This not only bonds you through shared adventure but also shows your sense of independence and ambition.

Tip: Plan an exciting date that challenges both of you, like an escape room adventure.

2. Master Independence: Be the Confident Equal He Can’t Resist

If you want an Aries man to commit, you have to show him you’re his equal, not his dependent.

Aries men are fiercely independent and crave partners who have their own passions and pursuits.

Let me share a story: one of my clients, a fiery Aries man, was drawn to a woman who balanced her career as a yoga instructor with her love for painting.

Her independence made her irresistible to him.

Balancing time together and personal space is crucial.

Aries men need plenty of time with friends and to engage in their physical activities.

It’s about having your own life and encouraging him to have his.

This not only shows that you respect his sense of independence but also keeps the relationship fresh and exciting.

Here’s a unique nugget: occasionally plan solo adventures or trips.

It keeps the relationship dynamic and intriguing, proving that you can thrive on your own and bring exciting stories back to share.

Tip: Plan a solo hiking trip and share your adventures with him when you return, keeping the spark alive.

3. Cracking The Aries Man Code

Understanding the intricacies of an Aries man’s love language is crucial for anyone seeking to capture his heart, especially when it comes to getting him to commit.

In order to avoid potential miscommunications and pitfalls, it’s essential to arm yourself with the knowledge found in Anna Kovach’s guide on Aries men’s love language secrets. 

This comprehensive resource offers invaluable insights into their unique desires, preferences, and communication styles.

For instance, did you know that a simple text message containing a mysterious question can ignite an Aries man’s curiosity and keep him hooked for hours?

Discover more fascinating techniques and avoid fatal mistakes by diving into Anna Kovach’s guide today

4. Unveil the Mystery: Surprise Him with Your Hidden Depths

Aries men love a good mystery.

To keep an Aries man intrigued, reveal layers of your personality over time.

Don’t show all your cards at once.

I remember a community event at Sons Of Universe where an Aries attendee was captivated by a woman who subtly revealed her interest in astronomy during a casual conversation.

He was hooked!

Engage in deep, intellectual conversations that go beyond surface-level topics.

This can be about anything from your favorite books to your thoughts on the latest scientific discoveries.

Aries men appreciate partners who can stimulate their minds and keep them guessing.

Incorporate topics related to their fiery tempers or enthusiasm for life to keep the conversations lively.

Here’s a unique nugget: share an unexpected talent or interest.

Maybe you’re secretly a fantastic cook or have a knack for playing the guitar.

This challenges his perception of you and keeps the relationship exciting.

Mentioning your adventurous nature or love for outdoor activities can also add an element of surprise and intrigue.

Tip: Reveal an unexpected hobby, like pottery or salsa dancing, to keep him guessing about what you’ll share next.

You may also like: The Inner World of an Aries Man: Exploring Their 3 Love Weaknesses

5. Mind Games: Challenge and Stimulate His Intellect

Aries men thrive on intellectual stimulation, which makes it a key factor for them to commit.

They need partners who can challenge them mentally as well as emotionally.

Engaging in debates and discussions on topics he’s passionate about is a great way to keep him interested.

I once met an Aries man at a tarot reading session who was fascinated by a woman who could hold her own in debates about philosophy and astrology.

Encourage friendly competition in various activities.

This could be anything from board games to sports figures.

It’s not just about winning but about engaging with each other on a deeper level.

Aries men love partners who can match their enthusiasm and energy.

Here’s a unique nugget: introduce him to a new hobby or skill.

This could be something you’re passionate about and can teach him.

It positions you as a partner in growth and keeps the relationship dynamic.

Consider activities that tap into his sense of humor or strong personalities, like improv classes or cooking competitions.

Tip: Challenge him to a game of chess or suggest learning a new language together, fostering growth and bonding.

6. Be Bold, Be Assertive: Show Him Your Unwavering Confidence

Aries men admire boldness.

They are drawn to partners who are confident and assertive in their affection.

Don’t be shy about showing your feelings.

I remember a client who won over her Aries male by confidently expressing her love for him, even when he was unsure.

Stand your ground in disagreements, but do it respectfully.

Aries men appreciate partners who can hold their own without being confrontational.

They respect honesty and direct communication.

If you believe in something strongly, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts.

Here’s a unique nugget: occasionally take the lead in planning dates or activities.

Showcasing your decisiveness and leadership qualities can be very attractive to an Aries man.

Whether it’s choosing a new restaurant or organizing a weekend getaway, taking charge can make a big difference.

Incorporate plenty of time for romantic dates and maintain a playful banter to keep the relationship dynamic.

Tip: Plan a surprise date that aligns with his interests, showing your ability to lead and surprise.

You may also like: 8 Telltale Signs an Aries Man Likes You (And 5 Misleading Signals to Ignore)

7. Keep the Spark: Surprise and Fun are Your Secret Weapons

Keeping the spark alive with an Aries man involves maintaining an element of surprise and fun.

Plan unexpected dates or gestures to keep things exciting.

Once, I surprised an Aries friend with a spontaneous weekend trip to the mountains.

His reaction was priceless!

A playful and lighthearted approach works wonders.

Engage in playful banter and fun activities that keep the relationship dynamic.

Aries men have quick tempers, but they also love to laugh and have fun.

Create a “bucket list” of adventures to tackle together.

This keeps the future filled with anticipation and excitement.

Whether it’s skydiving or cooking a new dish together, these shared goals can strengthen your bond.

Tip: Keep a list of surprise date ideas and pick one at random to keep things fresh and exciting.


Winning the heart of an Aries man takes patience and understanding.

Each of the seven tips we’ve covered can help you build a strong, lasting partnership.

From embracing adventure to maintaining independence, these strategies will help you connect deeply with your Aries guy.

Reflecting on my experiences, I’ve found that building a committed relationship with an Aries man is incredibly rewarding.

Uncovering his true self, beyond the bold and independent exterior, is a joy.

It’s a journey filled with passion, excitement, and growth.

Tip: Stay patient and persistent, and remember that building a meaningful relationship is worth the effort.

I hope you found these tips helpful!

If you have any experiences or questions, please leave a comment or share your story.

And if you’re looking for personalized insights, consider talking to a gifted advisor for more guidance.


What makes an Aries man want to commit?

An Aries man commits when he finds a partner who matches his adventurous nature, respects his sense of independence, and engages in honest communication.

He looks for someone who can keep up with his enthusiasm for life and enjoys plenty of exciting dates.

How to make an Aries man miss you like crazy?

To make an Aries man miss you, balance your quality time together with plenty of time for your own interests.

Engage in playful banter, share unexpected hobbies, and maintain your sense of independence.

This dynamic keeps him intrigued and eager for more.

How do you keep an Aries man chasing you?

Keep an Aries man chasing you by staying unpredictable and fun.

Plan adrenaline-filled adventures, maintain intellectual stimulation, and nurture his competitive spirit.

Highlight your own passions and independent nature, ensuring he always sees you as a perfect partner in excitement.

How to make an Aries man want to marry you?

Make an Aries man want to marry you by showcasing your unwavering confidence and leadership qualities.

Embrace outdoor activities, share common goals, and maintain an exciting sex life.

Honest communication and a sense of adventure will deepen your bond, making him see a lasting partnership with you.

The post 7 game-changing tips to get an Aries man to commit (#3 is quite unexpected) appeared first on Sons Of Universe.

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