Tuesday, June 4, 2024

8 not-so-obvious reasons why a Scorpio man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)

Scorpio men are like emotional ninjas, sneaking back into your life when you least expect it. Ever wonder why they do that?

In today’s article, we’ll unveil the reasons behind the Scorpio man’s mysterious come back after periods of no contact. We’ll explore everything from emotional magnetism to the allure of mystery and even subconscious desires.

Spoiler alert: it’s not always about true love. We’ll also highlight common mistakes to avoid, helping you navigate these complex dynamics.

Ready to uncover the secrets behind a Scorpio man’s return?

And, if you’re curious about the true nature of this intriguing zodiac sign, check out our article about the Scorpio man’s traits.

Key Takeaways

Will a Scorpio man come back after no contact? He often does, due to unresolved emotions, a need for control, or nostalgia. But beware of emotional manipulation and ensure your own needs are met.

1. Why He Can’t Stay Away

Scorpio men are like deep, mysterious oceans. Their emotional depth is intense and often magnetic. As water signs, their feelings run deep, and their passionate nature can be overwhelming.

When a Scorpio man has unresolved feelings, it can pull him back to you like a magnet. He’s not just thinking about you; he’s feeling everything deeply, almost like he’s reliving every moment.

But here’s the kicker. Some people see this as a sign of true love. They believe that his return is because he genuinely cares and wants to resolve things.

Others, however, think it’s more about emotional manipulation. They argue that he’s coming back to keep you emotionally hooked.

I’ve experienced this firsthand. One of my Scorpio exes returned after months of no contact, saying he couldn’t stop thinking about our time together. It sounded romantic, but I quickly realized he was more interested in keeping me emotionally tangled than actually resolving anything.

It’s important to recognize the type of woman who can handle this intense emotional pull and set boundaries to protect her own heart.

Tip: Don’t ignore your own emotional needs. Make sure you’re not just getting pulled into his emotional whirlpool without considering your own well-being.

2. Rekindling the Flame

Scorpio men are like walking enigmas. Their mysterious nature is often what makes them so irresistible.

They love the excitement of rekindling a relationship, almost like it’s a thrilling new adventure. This allure of mystery can be intoxicating, drawing you back in.

However, opinions are split on this. Some people see this as incredibly romantic. They think it’s all about the passion and excitement of rediscovering each other.

Others, though, believe it’s more of a game for the Scorpio man. They argue that he enjoys the chase and the power it gives him.

I’ve been there. One Scorpio man I dated loved to keep things mysterious. He would disappear and reappear, keeping me on my toes. It was exciting at first, but I soon realized I was losing my own sense of mystery by being too available.

As a strong woman, maintaining a healthy social life and sticking to the no contact rule can help you keep your own sense of allure when a Scorpio man decides to come back.

This way, you don’t lose yourself in his game and can keep the balance in your favor.

Tip: Maintain your own sense of mystery. Don’t fall into the trap of being too available and losing your own allure.

3. Power Plays and Closure Cravings

Scorpio men, right? They’re like emotional detectives, always needing to get to the bottom of things.

When a Scorpio man comes back after a no-contact period, it’s often because he needs control and closure. He wants to tie up those loose ends and make sense of what happened.

Now, this can be a bit of a mixed bag. Some folks think this is super healthy—like he’s trying to clean up the emotional mess and move forward.

But others see it as a bit of a power play. It’s like he’s trying to be the director of the relationship movie, making sure everything goes according to his script.

In my own life, I’ve seen both sides. There was this one time my Scorpio ex popped back in, saying he needed to “talk things through.” At first, I thought, “Wow, he’s really mature.” But soon, it felt more like he was trying to control the narrative.

Especially during difficult life situations, his intense emotions made it clear he wasn’t just seeking closure; he wanted control.

Tip: Make sure you’re not just playing a part in his story. Set your own terms and stick to them.

Insider Tip: Cracking The Scorpio Man Code

Understanding the intricacies of a Scorpio man’s love language is crucial for anyone seeking to capture his heart, especially when it comes to winning his heart back.

In order to avoid potential miscommunications and pitfalls, it’s essential to arm yourself with the knowledge found in Anna Kovach’s guide on Scorpio men’s love language secrets

This comprehensive resource offers invaluable insights into their unique desires, preferences, and communication styles.

For instance, did you know that a simple text message containing a mysterious question can ignite a Scorpio man’s curiosity and keep him hooked for hours?

Discover more fascinating techniques and avoid fatal mistakes by diving into Anna Kovach’s guide today

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4. When the Past Calls

Nostalgic Scorpio man

Nostalgia is a sneaky little thing, isn’t it? For Scorpio men, it’s like a magnet pulling them back to you.

They remember every little detail—the way you laughed at his jokes, your favorite restaurant, those late-night talks. It’s all so vivid for them, and that sentimental pull can be really strong.

But here’s where it gets tricky. Some people see this as a sign of genuine affection. They think, “Wow, he really cherishes those memories.” Others, though, think he’s just trying to escape reality by diving back into the good old days, ignoring why things went south in the first place.

I’ve been there myself. One of my Scorpio exes came back, waxing poetic about our past. It was all so tempting to dive back in.

But then I remembered why we broke up. It wasn’t all sunshine and roses. Nostalgia can be a bit of a trickster, making you forget the not-so-great parts.

Tip: Enjoy the memories, but don’t let them blind you. Keep one foot in reality and remember why things ended.

5. Transformations That Bring Him Back

Scorpio men are like the phoenix, always rising from the ashes. They thrive on personal growth and transformation, especially during periods of no contact.

When a Scorpio man steps away, he often uses that time to reflect and evolve. This growth can be a big reason he decides to come back. He might return with fresh perspectives, having worked on himself, ready to reconnect on a deeper level.

But here’s where the debate kicks in. Some folks see this as genuine change, believing he’s truly transformed. Others, though, are a bit more cautious.

They wonder if this growth is just a temporary phase, like a New Year’s resolution that fizzles out by February. Think of it like someone suddenly getting into yoga and green smoothies—you’re not sure if it’ll last.

From my own experience, it’s vital not to assume he’s completely changed without seeing consistent actions over time.

I had a Scorpio ex who came back after a period of no contact, claiming he was a new man. At first, it seemed promising, but soon enough, the old habits crept back in. It was like watching a rerun of a show you’ve seen a hundred times.

Tip: Watch for consistent actions over time to ensure his personal growth is genuine and lasting.

You may like: 18 Surefire Ways to Make a Scorpio Man Chase You (and Fall for You)

6. Cosmic Bonds: The Spiritual Pull

Scorpio men often feel connections on a deeper, almost spiritual level. This can be a powerful magnet, pulling them back to you even after a long no-contact period.

They might feel that your bond transcends physical separation, creating a sense of spiritual connection that’s hard to ignore.

But this idea splits opinions. Some people believe in the power of spiritual connections, thinking they can overcome any physical distance.

Others are more skeptical, viewing it as a romanticized notion that overlooks practical compatibility. It’s like believing in soulmates versus thinking it’s just a fairy tale.

I’ve felt this spiritual pull myself. An ex once told me he felt our connection was written in the stars, like something out of a romance novel.

While it was flattering, I had to remind myself that practical compatibility is just as important. You can’t build a relationship solely on spiritual ideals, no matter how enchanting they seem.

Tip: Balance spiritual connections with practical compatibility to ensure a healthy, grounded relationship.

7. Outside Forces: When Life Nudges Him Back

Life is full of surprises, and sometimes, external factors like mutual friends, social media, or big life changes can play a huge role in a Scorpio man’s decision to come back.

Imagine scrolling through old photos on Facebook and seeing a picture of the two of you at a party. Memories flood back, and suddenly, he’s thinking about reaching out.

This idea divides opinions, though. Some people believe these external factors are legitimate reasons for reconnecting. They think it’s natural for mutual friends or shared experiences to bring people back together.

Others, however, see these reasons as superficial. They argue that a real, lasting relationship shouldn’t be influenced by such external circumstances.

I remember when an old Scorpio flame reappeared in my life after we both attended a mutual friend’s wedding. It felt like fate, but I had to remind myself to consider my own feelings and not just be swayed by the circumstances.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, but it’s important to think about what you really want.

When a Scorpio man decides to come back, sticking to the no contact rule can help you maintain perspective and ensure that any reconnection is based on genuine feelings rather than external influences.

Tip: Don’t let external factors dictate your relationship. Always consider your own feelings and what’s best for you.

8. Hidden Desires: The Subconscious Siren Song

Scorpio men are complex creatures, often driven by deep, subconscious desires.

These hidden feelings and unresolved psychological patterns can sometimes pull them back to you, even when they don’t fully understand why. It’s like their heart has a mind of its own, guiding them back to familiar territory.

This concept can be quite divisive. Some people believe in the power of subconscious desires, arguing that these deep-seated feelings are valid and important.

Others, however, think that conscious decisions should take precedence. They argue that relying on subconscious impulses can lead to repeating past mistakes.

I’ve seen this play out closely in my friend’s life. An ex once told her he kept dreaming about her, which made my friend realize he still had feelings.

It sounded romantic, but she absolutely knew they had unresolved issues that needed addressing. Ignoring those wouldn’t lead to a healthy relationship.

Tip: Address underlying issues before rekindling a relationship based on subconscious desires. It’s the key to lasting happiness.


So, we’ve explored seven intriguing reasons why a Scorpio man might come back after no contact. From unresolved emotions to the allure of mystery, and even the pull of subconscious desires, there are many factors at play.

But remember, it’s easy to make mistakes like ignoring your own needs or letting external factors dictate your relationship.

In my experience, self-awareness and healthy boundaries are key. Reflect on your own experiences and think about what’s truly best for you. Relationships with Scorpio men can be a wild ride, but understanding these dynamics can help you navigate the journey.

Take some time to reflect on your unique relationship dynamics and make choices that honor your well-being.


Would a Scorpio go back to an ex?

Yes, a Scorpio man might go back to an ex, especially if there’s a deep emotional connection. Their passionate nature and intense emotions often draw them back to unresolved relationships. However, independent women who maintain a sense of mystery can also keep a Scorpio intrigued.

How to make a Scorpio man miss you like crazy?

To make a Scorpio man miss you like crazy, embrace the no-contact rule. Focus on your personal and professional life, and be a strong woman who values her independence. Engage in social life activities and maintain an air of mystery. This will make him crave re-establishing contact.

How long does it take a Scorpio to get over an ex?

Scorpio men, being water signs, can take a long period of time to get over an ex. Their emotional nature means they deeply feel the loss. It might take months or even years, depending on the intensity of the relationship and their ability to find closure.

When you don’t text a Scorpio man?

When you don’t text a Scorpio man, he might initially give you the cold shoulder. However, this break in communication could also make him reflect on the emotional connection and miss you more. Independent women who practice the no-contact rule often find this strategy effective in rekindling interest.

The post 8 not-so-obvious reasons why a Scorpio man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid) appeared first on Sons Of Universe.

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